Exploration and elucidation of unidentified functions in novel biological and genetic resources and their application for bio-industries


Using novel microbial and genetic resources obtained in our researches, we have attempted to create new bio-products in extensively collaboration with a wide variety of universities and private companies with strong expertise in bioindustry and environmental technology. In addition, whole genome analysis of newly isolated microorganisms with high novelty or unique functions has been conducted. To date, the genome analysis for Gemmatimonas aurantiaca (a new phylum bacterium), Armatimonas rosea (a new phylum bacterium) Caldlinea aerophila (a new class bacterium), Anaerolinea thermophila (a new class bacterium), and Microlunatus phosphovorous (a polyphosphate accumulating bacterium) has been completed.

We also undertake research on cell-cell communication (Quorum Sensing) and disruption of quorum sensing (Quorum Quenching). We have succeeded in isolating novel quorum-quenching bacteria/enzymes capable of interfering quorum sensing system composed of competitive bacteria. Furthermore, we have discovered that a novel quorum-quenching enzyme isolated from multidrug resistant bacterium was further able to degrade antibiotics and confer multidrug-resistance as well as quorum quenching on the host organism, indicating that the new bifunctional enzyme mediates two different biological functions. In this way, we are trying to reveal new microbial functions through the characterization of hitherto-unknown enzymes. In addition, we also aim to explore genetic/enzymatic resources leading to industrial uses.