- Biomolecules
- Tools
Surface structure controlled electrode catalysts for efficient bio- and non-bio- electrocatalysis -
- Biomolecules
- Health Care
- Tools
Functional analysis of food materials and their application by evaluation of nuclear receptor activation. -
- Microorganisms
- Bioproduction
- Health Care
Development of functional lipid production and their application. -
- Biomolecules
- Tools
Development of AFP-utilizing technology -
- Biomolecules
- Bioproduction
Analysis of structural base and ice-binding mechanism of AFP -
- Biomolecules
- Bioproduction
- Tools
Electrochemical control of enzyme catalysis and evaluation of cellular reactios -
- Biomolecules
- Bioproduction
- Health Care
Chemical linkers for post-synthetic modifications of oligonucleotides
Biomolecular Engineering Research Group