
ハムシ類の植物消化に関わる共生細菌の研究で知られるDr. Hassan Salem(Max-Planck Institute for Biology, Germany)の講演を、Zoomオンライン国際ウェビナーとして実施(5月9日)



講師: Dr. Hassan Salem(Max-Planck Institute for Biology, Germany)
演題: Microbial determinants of folivory in beetles
日時: 2022年5月9日(月)16:00 (JST)~

Abstract: My group is interested in the evolutionary processes that shape mutually beneficial species interactions, with emphasis on why they form and how they facilitate adaptation in insects. Using tortoise beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidea: Cassidinae) as a model, my talk will outline the mechanisms by which these insects house and transmit their obligate bacterial and fungal symbionts. I will also discuss the physiological and evolutionary consequences of engaging with a single clade of microbes for an upward of 80 million years. Leveraging data from genomic and transcriptomic sequencing, microscopy and bioassays, I will address (i) the metabolic factors defining nutritional and defensive symbioses within the Cassidinae, (ii) how variation in these factors drastically shapes beetle physiology and host-plant use, (iii) the trade-offs governing symbiont localisation and transmission, and, finally, (iv) the ubiquity of obligate beetle-bacterial symbioses within the Chrysomelidae. Collectively, our findings highlight the key role of symbiosis in facilitating folivory across a highly speciose insect clade, the leaf beetles.

連絡先: 深津 武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員、t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)
参照記事: https://www.jst.go.jp/erato/fukatsu/news/2022/220509.html