共生細菌や細胞内小器官のゲノム進化研究で著名なProf. John McCutcheon(Arizona State Univ.)の講演を、Zoomオンライン国際ウェビナーとして実施(8月10日)



講師: Prof. John McCutcheon (Arizona State Univ., USA)
演題: The origins and endpoints of cell-in-cell symbioses
日時: 2021年8月10日(火)9:00(JST)~
場所: Zoomオンライン国際ウェビナー

Abstract: Mitochondria and chloroplasts are now called organelles, but they used to be bacteria. Understanding the genetic, biochemical, and cell biological events that happened during the transition from ‘bacterial endosymbiont’ to ‘organelle’ has been obscured by both time and by a lack of comparative examples. In this talk I will show how the long-term, stable endosymbioses of sap-feeding insects resemble the classic organelles in many ways, and describe some of the remarkably convoluted outcomes that occur when two (or more) cells become integrated with each other.

連絡先: 深津 武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員、t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)
参照記事: https://www.jst.go.jp/erato/fukatsu/news/2021/210810.html