狩りバチや甲虫における微生物防衛共生の研究で知られる Prof. Martin Kaltenpoth(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology)の講演を、Zoomオンライン国際ウェビナーとして実施(7月20日)



講師: Prof. Martin Kaltenpoth(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology)
演題: Symbiotic microbes as driving forces of evolutionary innovation in beetles
日時: 2021年7月20日(火)15:00~(JST)
場所: Zoomオンライン国際ウェビナー

Abstract: Symbiotic associations with microbes are important driving forces of evolutionary innovation. The hyperdiverse insect order Coleoptera, the beetles, are associated with an astounding diversity of symbionts that provide a wide range of functional benefits to their hosts. Highlighting a few selected beetle-microbe associations, I will report on novel findings of symbiont-provided antibiotic defense, microbe-enabled digestion of plant material, and symbiont-mediated adaptation to the abiotic environment. These examples are intended to show the impact of symbionts on niche expansion and diversification in beetles, but also provide insights into life-style switches from parasitism to mutualism in bacteria as well as the process of extreme genome reduction beyond the well-known intracellular symbioses.

連絡先: 深津 武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員、t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)
参照記事: https://www.jst.go.jp/erato/fukatsu/news/2021/210720.html