
Research Task

Development of technology for enhancing photosynthetic activity in plants through the manipulation of key transcription factor genes.
Development of nitrogen-use-efficiency enhancement technology in plants.
Development of plant biomass improvement technology utilizing plant-associated microbes.
Development of technology to enhance stress tolerance in plants while minimizing its negative impacts on plant growth.
Research Keywords
Photosynthesis, nutrient-use-efficiency, stress response, Trade-off between stress resistance and plant growth, transcription factor, transcriptional regulation, genome editing, plant-microbe interaction
Application Fields
Biomanufacturing, Biofunctional applications
Plant physiological analysis, Mesurement of photosynthetic activity

Our goal is to develop plants and cultivation techniques that contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and minimize environmental impact, including reduced fertilizer and pesticide usage. To achieve this, we are specifically focusing on three crucial plant factors: photosynthetic activity, nitrogen utilization and absorption efficiency, and stress tolerance. In order to improve these factors, our research involves identifying key genes, including transcription factors, studying environmental factors, and developing effective application methods based on our findings.