
国際ウェビナー: ゾウムシ等に見られるSodalis属共生細菌の研究で知られるProf. Colin Dale (Univ. Utah, USA) によるご講演(2月21日)



講師: Prof. Colin Dale (Univ. Utah, USA)
演題: Utilizing Sodalis-allied symbionts to probe evolutionary and molecular questions in symbiosis
日時: 2023年2月21日(火)9:00 (JST)~

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Abstract: Bacteria allied to the genus Sodalis have been identified in a wide range of insect taxa, indicating that they have a general propensity to form mutualistic alliances that persist over macroevolutionary time. Free-living representatives of the genus have also been identified from human wounds and environmental samples, providing an opportunity to examine the important lifestyle transition that results in obligate host-association. My lab focuses on utilizing this genus of bacteria to (i) understand the causes and consequences of genome degeneration and (ii) to explore the molecular basis of symbiotic interactions. In this talk, I will focus on the use of microbial genetic approaches to interrogate the symbiotic interface, revealing that insect symbionts utilize many of the same molecular tactics as pathogenic bacteria to initiate and maintain infection inside hosts. I will also explain the establishment, characterization and utility of a synthetic symbiosis comprising grain weevils and Sodalis praecaptivus that will serve as an experimental platform to explore the evolution of mutualistic functions and the underpinnings of transovarial bacterial transmission.

連絡先: 深津 武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員、t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)
参照記事: https://www.jst.go.jp/erato/fukatsu/news/2023/230221.html