国際セミナー:シロアリ共生微生物の研究で知られるDr. Tom Bourguignon (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan)によるご講演(11月8日)


第27回 ERATO共生進化機構 国際セミナー

講師:Dr. Tom Bourguignon (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan)
演題:Evolution of termites and cockroaches with their bacterial symbionts
日時:2023年11月8日(水)16:00 (JST)~, Online Zoom Meeting
   参加登録: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yP6nGC9lm0CDaSctnOgGIAZ0AUJReXxOnlfJYlsFCHFUREQxRFo1WE82RUFITDNIMkVYQ09VRUNEUi4u

Abstract: Cockroaches and their social forms, termites, are detritivorous insects that make up an essential part of the brown food web. Their ability to recycle dead organic matter is largely the result of their association with the bacterial symbionts they host in their gut or specialized fat body cells. In this talk, I will describe the nature of the symbiotic association between cockroach and termite hosts and their bacterial symbionts. I will describe what we know about the metabolic capabilities of these bacteria and how they help their hosts to thrive on imbalanced and recalcitrant diets. I will also describe how cockroaches and termites have coevolved with their bacteria and, finally, will provide evidence that termites have cospeciated with their gut bacteria since they came to be ~150 million years ago.

連絡先:深津武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員, t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)