国際セミナー:齧歯類や鳥類の腸内共生細菌の研究で知られるDr. Brian Trevelline (Kent State University, USA)によるご講演(12月12日)


第28回 ERATO共生進化機構 国際セミナー

講師:Dr. Brian Trevelline (Kent State University, USA)
演題:Microbiome-mediated phenotypes in wild vertebrates
日時:2023年12月12日(火)9:00 (JST)~, Online Zoom Meeting
参加登録: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yP6nGC9lm0CDaSctnOgGIAZ0AUJReXxOnlfJYlsFCHFUOU42TllERkNTRk5PTVJGQ1RVVTJaUkNCQS4u

Abstract: Animals evolved in a microbial world, and today nearly every lineage of animal engages in symbioses with microorganisms. Previous work has shown that microbial communities of the vertebrate digestive tract – known as the gut microbiome – can profoundly influence host phenotypes. However, the vast majority of this research has been conducted in model organisms and in the context of human health. As a result, there is a significant gap in our understanding of how the microbiome affects wild vertebrate phenotypes, which may have major implications for host ecology and evolution. In this seminar, I will present my work studying how the gut microbiome influences the foraging behavior of wild rodents and the physiology of migratory birds. I will also provide details about a new germ-free experimental system that I have developed for studying microbiome-mediated phenotypes in non-model oviparous vertebrates, and will share some exciting results showing that the microbiome shapes digestive and immune phenotypes in neonate songbirds.

連絡先:深津武馬(生物プロセス研究部門首席研究員, t-fukatsu@aist.go.jp)