ISSHIKI RinoUnderstanding the functions of wastewater treatment microorganisms
Control of microorganisms by phage -
TOMITA ShunExploration of novel microorganism and microbial functions
Elucidation of the mechanism of microbial biological control agents against Plant Diseases -
KURODA KyoheiDevelopment of novel biotechnologies for the implementation of a circular bioeconomy
YAMAMOTO KyosukeDevelopment of Microbial Technology for Plant Disease Control and Growth Promotion
Experimental analysis of microbial community and evolutionary dynamics using model ecosystems
Analysis of interactions among pathogenic bacteria involved in the evolution of drug resistance -
NAKAI RyosukeDevelopment of cultivation technology for ultra-small microorganisms
Detection and identification of uncultivated microorganisms in water treatment processes
Exploration and utilization of novel microbial resources -
ITOH HideomiCharacterization and utilization of ubiquitous but previously-overlooked nitrogen fixation bacteria in soils
Elucidation and application of the hidden relationship between environmental microbes and animals for primary industries. -
NARIHIRO TakashiDeciphering the ecophysiology of microbes in wastewater treatment systems
Ecological and environmental engineering research employing microbial community analysis
Exploration of novel microbial functions based on (meta)genomic information -
SUZUKI Hayato"Elucidation of biosynthesis and regulation mechanisms of plant secondary metabolisms
Development of host plant suitable for useful metabolite production
Development of genome-editing technology -
CHUNG KwiMIDevelopment of technology for enhancing photosynthetic activity in plants through the manipulation of key transcription factor genes.
Development of nitrogen-use-efficiency enhancement technology in plants.
Development of plant biomass improvement technology utilizing plant-associated microbes.
Development of technology to enhance stress tolerance in plants while minimizing its negative impacts on plant growth. -
ASTUMI GoDevelopment of technologies to produce useful products in plants
Development of plant virus vectors for manipulating gene expression
Development of specialized plants for the production of useful products -
FUKUZAWA NorihoProduction of useful substances in plants
Development of fundamental-technologies for the production of useful substances using plant viral vectors
Development of genome editing/transgenic plants for the production of useful substances -
MATSUO KoukiProduction of useful substances in plants
Production of recommbinant proteins in plants
Regulation of post-translational modifications of proteins